Glaucoma Awareness
Glaucoma is an eye disease that Texas Eye Institute takes very seriously! In order to detect glaucoma before you have serious issues we suggest regular eye exams. The leading cause of blindness in the United States is glaucoma. Commonly called “the sneak thief of sight” due to a lack of symptoms, anyone can become a victim of glaucoma. It is a condition caused by elevated pressure within the eye caused by either over-production of fluid or a lack of drainage capabilities. The fluid, called the “aqueous humor” circulates through the eye, cleansing & nourishing the tissues within, and then drains through what is called the “angle.” When this angle is unable to drain the sufficient amount of fluid, pressure within the eye rises. This elevated pressure cannot be felt and produces no symptoms until the optic-nerve is damaged. Identifying your glaucoma symptoms early is important, Texas Eye Institute proudly serves the Katy, Sugarland and greater Houston areas with glaucoma care services.