Despite the difficulty with getting to the retina and treating this tough condition over 90 percent of the people diagnosed with retinal detachment are treated successfully according to the National Eye Institute. This visual outcome is not always predictable and patients are encouraged to consult an ophthalmologist at the Texas Eye Institute about the their specific retinal detachment problem.
If you are seeking Texas retina eye doctors we are happy to help you solve issues related to the retina. Due to the severity of retinal tears and detachments and even diabetic retinopathy we strongly encourage regular eye exams to prevent these types of issues from becoming problematic. Texas Eye Institute is your source for Houston retina eye doctors.
Texas Eye Institute is proud to provide five convenient locations for your eye care needs. Visit one of our convenient locations in Angleton, Sugarland, Southwest Houston, Katy, or Southeast Houston to see why the Texas Eye Institute is the best choice to care for your vision. Need LASIK in Houston? What about a comprehensive eye exam in Sugarland? See our locations page to find our practice nearest you!